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Wheels Up: Airplane Travel Class

Wheels Up: Airplane Travel Class

76 total reviews

Regular price $57.00
Regular price Sale price $57.00
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Air travel and car seats don’t have to be a trip to stress city. Get a solid plan to stay safe and sane.

• You know you should take your car seat on the plane but how in the world?!
• You’re overwhelmed with navigating the airport and getting on and off the plane.
• Your significant other isn’t totally on board with this whole car seat on the plane thing.
• You need a plan!
• Installing a car seat in the car is hard enough, now on the plane too?


What's Included in Wheels Up: Airplane Travel Class

• Covers domestic and international travel
• Comprehensive guide on preparing for your trip so you don’t overlook anything
• Security and airport game plans
• Boarding and deplaning process, tips and tricks
• Must have gear and gadgets
• Full database of best car seats for airplane travel
• Installation on the airplane how-to
• Private and very active Facebook group where you can brainstorm and gain insight from others who have traveled with car seats!
• Access for as long as we host the course!

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